

    I would like to take some time out to tell you a little about the religon that I have chocen. When someone is into witchcraft it doesn't mean that they are worshiping the devil. And not all witches are bad... Witches are just like everyone else...we believe in the power of nature, and spiritual workings.
    I would also like to make a few things about witches clear... Witches do not fly around on broom sticks, the idea of witches flying on broom sticks came from a long time ago when people were seen in the freshly planted fields jumping up and down with broom sticks in their hands...from that day on it was asumed that people who are known as a witch will go around flying on a broom stick. And the pointed hats that everyone sticks on witches is something that means something completely different. The cone part of the pointy hat stands for "The cone of power". And it is believeable that it would reprisenta witch. And another thing... no witch has green skin and black hair. If a witch is born with black hair and those wort things that everyone seems to think all witches have... It is a natural thing if a witch is born with them, and sometimes people who aren't witches at all can grow them too.
    Well, I hope you learn something from this site... and I also hope you enjoy it as well.

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